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Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation gives a grant to launch US Regenerative Cotton Fund (USRCF), to have sustainably grown cotton for their clothes.

Together with the Soil Health Institute, Ralph Lauren Corporate Foundation announced funding a grant to launch USRCF — an initiative that aims to support sustainable cotton production in the US. Ralph Lauren will give a $5 million grant to the USRCF.

The Regenerative Cotton Fund aims to eliminate one million metric tons of carbon dioxide by 2026.

According to the Environmental Leader, this will be a science-based initiative with the goal of understanding farmers’ needs.

“We are very grateful for the opportunity to promote soil health and to assist cotton farmers across the US with storing more carbon, building drought resilience, and mitigating the very effects of climate change that are impacting us all. To achieve widespread environmental benefits from regenerative agriculture means we must understand farmers’ needs and experiences when adopting these practices.”

Dr. Cristine Morgan, Chief Scientific Officer for the Soil Health Institute and leader of the US Regenerative Cotton Fund

Right now, Ralph Lauren’s cotton use makes up about 80% of their total material use. The company wants to have 100% sustainably sourced cotton by 2025. 

USRCF will start operating in four states, with the aim to expand to five more. That’s a total of nine states which make up 85% of total US cotton production.

Marina is passionate about sustainability and works to help ensure our planet stays as our home for a long time. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and not buying single-use plastic.

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